
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Beauty Blog? Life Blog?

     If anyone knows my mother, you will kow that she likes to "borrow" things. She wears my clothes, my shoes, my makeup, purse, you name it. Don't get me wrong, I am all for sharing, trading, etc. but sometimes it sucks when things tend to dissapear or get worn down pretty quickly. Anyway, I'm not hating.. I've merely come to the realization that I need to get things in order.
     I have decided that every paycheck, I am going to buy one new item for my wardrobe.(My cousin told me to do this as well) You would laugh really, at the lack of clothing that I have.. and half of the things have holes! It's okay for now, because I am usually in lounge clothes or work clothes (scrubs). So, maybe every two weeks, I will do a new post with the new outfit?
    Another completely awesome thing that my Mom just told me, is that she is going to buy me a FULL makeup set for my birthday this year. The only condition is that I have to give her everything I have now. Umm, of course! So, I've been making a little list of all the goodies that I want and counting the days untill my birthday. I suppose I'm going to have to get something good for her birthday as well. Maybe a little clothes shopping?
     On another note, I have been eating much better. About six months ago, I decided to go Vegetarian again and I immediately started feeling better. Since then, I've been trying to make little changes. Whenever I revamp my whole diet or routine, I fail. Therefore I've been doing one thing at a time, getting used to it, and adding something else on. I drink way more water and less soda, no more big meals at work in the middle of the night, home cooked meals (so I know what's in it), and today I tried using plain nonfat greek yogurt instead of sour cream. I actually could not even tell the difference! You should try it, like right now.
     My next big hurdle is exercising more often. I've been doing a little from time to time, but I just got a huge incentive. My bridesmaid dress. (dun, dun, dun!!!!) It is beautiful, it's from Victoria's Secret... but it's short, and scimpy (is that a word?) and the boobage area is way too revealing for me.. not to mention the  fact that I am hanging over the top in a very non-flattering way. I want this dress to look good for the late May date that I have to wear it. Think pushups... sit-ups... running? I dunno yet, but I'm going to make it work - and I'm not going to brag about it on facebook, because I always feel sucky when things don't some to fruition.
     I am remembering that I am making a life change, not a quick fix! I can do this. I think I might even join an online support group. I will be sure to update though. 'The road ahead is paved with good intentions'.